Films, Thursday | Comedy - New Media - LGBTQ

1H 32MIN

Availability ended PST
An Entire Life... In Just One Day.
When a child is born at a rural hospital who inexplicably ages, grows and evolves four-years on every hour - a rebellious nurse smuggles him out and takes him on the road to let him experience the world on the one day he’ll have to live in it. This is the tale of TOM OF YOUR LIFE, a heartwarming, music-driven comedy about about taking a beautiful new view on life.

Included with


Directed by Jer Sklar

Written by Jer Sklar

Production Company Satori!Studios and Sharpe Productions

Produced by James Sharpe

Cast Baize Buzan
Jeremy Sklar
Judah Abner Paul
Joshua Paul
Dominic Rescigno
James Sharpe
Paul Tigue
Mike Nussbaum
Janelle James
Bill Gorgo
Chuck Sklar
Bob Rusch
Nick Gaza
William Krawetz
Michael Saad
Annabel Steven
Kylan Conroy
Amanda Rivera
Billy Minshall
Parick Zeilinski
Armando Reyes
Ron McCoy
Steven Springer
Ryan Oliver
Colleen Mooney
Kara Zediker